Episode 15: Fruitcake

No Substitutions, Please
No Substitutions, Please
Episode 15: Fruitcake

Whether it’s steamed or baked, dense or light, a full-meal wedge or a dessert slice, there’s one thing both sides of the Atlantic ocean agree on: everyone absolutely hates this garbage food. Noah’s first fruitcake foray came on the same week as this episode was recorded, so Louisa gets to explain to him—and laugh at his increasing terror.

Oh, and if you happen to celebrate today: Merry Christmas. Hope you enjoy our present to you!

Follow us:
@NoSubsPlease on Twitter.
@NoSubsPlease@mastodon.online on Mastodon.
@NoSubsPlease on Cohost.

Noah: @elderrumbao on Twitter, @nsmckinnon@laserdisc.party on Mastodon.
Louisa: @louisa@mastodon.xyz

If you should find any outlandish recipe comments you’d like us to discuss, send them our way at nosubstitutionspls@gmail.com.

Our theme is Street Food, by FASSounds, and is governed by the Simplified Pixabay License.

Our cover art includes work by artist Kirsty Pargeter.

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