Episode 27: Scrambled Eggs

No Substitutions, Please
No Substitutions, Please
Episode 27: Scrambled Eggs

If you’ve been listening for a while, you know Noah tends to recoil when Louisa breaks out descriptors for eggs—so, naturally, we figured it was time to take the bull by the curds. Whether you like your scrambles French-style or nearly omeletted, we’re sure you’ll find someone to annoy you in this sojourn through the most controversial of breakfasts.

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@NoSubsPlease on Twitter.
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Noah: @elderrumbao on Twitter, @nsmckinnon@laserdisc.party on Mastodon.
Louisa: @louisa@mastodon.xyz

If you should find any outlandish recipe comments you’d like us to discuss, send them our way at nosubstitutionspls@gmail.com.

Our theme is Street Food, by FASSounds, and is governed by the Simplified Pixabay License.

Our cover art includes work by artist Kirsty Pargeter.

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